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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio as part dignissimos ducimus qui blandit.

Case Study Details

ThinPen Media

How Our Effective Social Media Strategy & SEO has helped Urban Veda to become a leader in natural cosmetics.

Case Study


UrbanVeda is an organic cosmetic brand based in India that offers a range of skincare products made from natural ingredients. The brand was founded in 2013, and quickly gained a reputation for its commitment to ethical and sustainable practices. However, despite their success in the organic skincare market, UrbanVeda was struggling to establish an online presence that accurately reflected their brand identity and values. This is where ThinkPen, a leading marketing and advertising company in India, stepped in.

Case Study


UrbanVeda faced several challenges in building an effective online presence. Firstly, they lacked the technical expertise required to develop a website that accurately reflected their brand identity and values. They also struggled to effectively communicate their unique value proposition to their target audience online. In addition, they faced stiff competition in the organic skincare market, and needed to find new ways to reach potential customers and build brand awareness.

At the same time, there was also an outbreak of Foot To Mouth Disease among the cattles. This disease is highly contagious and can cause severe economic losses to farmers and the dairy industry.


ThinkPen worked closely with UrbanVeda to develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that addressed these challenges. They started by redesigning UrbanVeda's website from the ground up, using the latest web design techniques to create a modern, user-friendly interface that accurately reflected the brand's identity and values.

Case Study

Our Approach

Website Development:

In addition to website development, ThinkPen also implemented a social media marketing strategy that leveraged popular social media platforms to build brand awareness and engage with potential customers. They created engaging content that resonated with UrbanVeda's target audience, and leveraged influencer marketing to reach a wider audience.

Case study
Case study

Awareness Building:

ThinkPen worked closely with influencers who shared UrbanVeda's values and commitment to sustainability, creating sponsored content that highlighted the brand's unique value proposition and eco-friendly practices. This helped to establish UrbanVeda as a thought leader in the organic skincare market, and built trust and loyalty among their target audience.

Result of The Case Study

Thanks to ThinkPen's efforts, UrbanVeda was able to establish a strong online presence that accurately reflected their brand identity and values. Their website was modern, user-friendly, and effectively communicated their unique value proposition to potential customers. The social media marketing strategy helped to build brand awareness and engage with potential customers, while influencer marketing helped to establish UrbanVeda as a thought leader in the organic skincare market. The impact of ThinkPen's work was significant. UrbanVeda saw a significant increase in website traffic and online inquiries, as well as a boost in sales. The brand was also able to establish themselves as a leader in the organic skincare market, thanks to their commitment to ethical and sustainable practices.


ThinkPen's partnership with UrbanVeda was a resounding success, and serves as a testament to the power of marketing and advertising to drive business growth. By leveraging the latest digital marketing techniques and strategies, ThinkPen was able to help UrbanVeda establish a strong online presence that accurately reflected their brand identity and values. The impact of their work was significant, helping UrbanVeda to reach new customers, establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry, and grow their business.

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